At Babysoon Providing Comprehensive Fertility Solutions in Delhi

  • By: Baby Soon Fertility and IVF Centre
  • March 23 2024
IVF New Ray of Hope in Parenthood


Modern healthcare systems and related technologies have paved the way for curing and providing solutions for a number of health problems. One such case can be that of infertility. For years, infertility has left couples questioning if they can ever fulfil their wish of having their own little one. Lack of awareness, myths and the stereotypes surrounding their treatment options has often been the reason for not reaching out for help actively.

What is IVF and how does it help people facing infertility?

IVF (In vitro fertilization) is an advanced treatment option through which many couples are able to start their journey of parenthood. In simple terms, IVF is a medical procedure to help people have a baby when they're having difficulty conceiving naturally. It involves fertilizing an egg and sperm outside the body in a laboratory dish/tube to create an embryo. Therefore it derived a popular term called Test tube baby. The embryo is then placed into the uterus to hopefully result in a successful pregnancy.

Why do people opt for IVF?

People opt for IVF for various reasons, including infertility due to issues like

  • Blocked Fallopian Tubes,
  • Low Sperm Count,
  • Age-Related Fertility Decline,
  • Unexplained Infertility,
  • Endometriosis,
  • Male Fertility Issues,
  • Recurrent Pregnancy Loss,
  • Preservation of Fertility Before Medical Treatments like Chemotherapy, and more.

What are the steps of IVF treatment?

Below are the steps of IVF treatment:

  • Ovarian Stimulation: Medications are given to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.
  • Egg Retrieval: Mature eggs are collected from the ovaries through a minor surgical procedure.
  • Fertilization: The eggs are combined with sperm in a lab dish to achieve fertilization.
  • Embryo Culture: Fertilized eggs develop into embryos in a laboratory setting.
  • Embryo Transfer: One or more embryos are transferred into the uterus.
  • Pregnancy Test: Approximately two weeks later, a pregnancy test is done to check for implantation.

6 Steps of IVF Treatment

To summarise, we can say that IVF is a modern solution for infertility and has been a boon to many couples across the world. It is a ray of hope in the lives of many who wish to pursue parenthood, providing a path forward where challenges once seemed insurmountable.



What is IUI?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a basic fertility technique in which processed (concentrated and washed) sperms are implanted into a woman’s uterus during ovulation to boost her chances of becoming pregnant.

Is IUI different from IVF treatment?

Fertilization (meeting of egg and sperm) occurs in the body during IUI (fallopian tubes). IVF, on the other hand, is carried out in a laboratory.

What is the success rate of IUI?

The success rate of IUI is approximately 20%.

What is the difference between stimulated IVF and Natural IVF?

Stimulated IVF- A woman takes medicines/injections for 9 to 12 days to stimulate both of her ovaries to generate and mature multiple egg follicles. During the stimulation phase, a physician will do ultrasounds to track the follicles growth until they reach a specified size (18-22mm). Natural IVF- In this cycle, instead of stimulating your ovaries to produce multiple eggs, the Natural Cycle IVF Process is meant to select that one egg that your body produces naturally.

What is the advantage of natural IVF cycle?

Multiple pregnancy risk is reduced. Reduces the high costs associated with stimulation medicines. Reduces the risk of drug-related adverse effects.

What is Controlled ovarian hyper stimulation (COH)?

Controlled ovarian hyper stimulation is a procedure in which the patient’s ovaries are stimulated for 10-12 days with hormone injections (gonadotrophins) in order to obtain the highest number of mature oocytes (eggs).The response to these injections is tracked by ultrasound, and after the cohort of follicles reaches 18-22mm (minimum 4-5), a trigger injection is administered, followed by ovum pickup (egg collection) 34-36 hours later.

What are the risks associated with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation?

Ovaries of some females might respond excessively to the fertility drugs. OHSS(Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) occurs in a minority of females who overrespond, symptoms of which include, vomiting, nausea, severe discomfort, abdominal distension and dehydration. Note: The patient should immediately notify the clinician in case of such symptoms

When is a couple considered infertile?

A couple is considered to be infertile when they fail to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Are IVF babies born with deformities?

No, babies born out of IVF do not have any genetic abnormalities.

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