Decoding Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies in Delhi NCR

  • By: Baby Soon Fertility and IVF Centre
  • March 9 2024
Decoding Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies in Delhi NCR

It's crucial to discuss the various diagnostic examinations used to assess Azoospermia, which is the total absence of sperm in the ejaculate. Here's an overview of the diagnostic process and the different tests involved:

Initial Consultation and Physical Examination:

  • A consultation with a reproductive professional or urologist involves discussing medical history, family history of infertility, and symptoms.
  • A comprehensive physical examination evaluates the reproductive system and overall health, including the testicles, penis, and external genitalia.

  • Semen Analysis:

    Semen analysis is foundational for diagnosing Azoospermia.

  • It assesses various parameters including sperm count, motility, volume, pH, and morphology.
  • Azoospermia is confirmed when two semen samples show no sperm.
  • This analysis helps identify the type of Azoospermia and its underlying cause.

  • Based on initial findings, further tests may be recommended.

  • Hormone Analysis: Detects hormonal abnormalities that may affect sperm production.
  • Genetic Testing: Identifies potential hereditary components causing infertility.
  • Testicular Biopsy: Evaluates sperm production at the testicular level to distinguish between non-obstructive and obstructive azoospermia.
  • Scrotal Ultrasound: Visualizes testicles and surrounding structures to identify abnormalities like blockages.

  • Understanding the Outcomes and Moving Ahead:

  • The results of these tests provide clarity on the type and cause of azoospermia.
  • With this information, treatment options can be discussed with the doctor.
  • Treatment modalities may include hormone medication, surgical therapies like microsurgical sperm retrieval, IVF with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

  • Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi NCR:

  • Delhi NCR provides access to various fertility experts, skilled urologists, and clinics offering comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for azoospermia.
  • Individuals can explore different treatment options tailored to their specific diagnosis and needs.
  • By understanding the diagnostic process and available treatment options, individuals and couples can make informed decisions regarding their fertility journey. Seeking assistance from specialists in centres like Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi NCR can provide valuable support and guidance throughout the process.

    With Azoospermia (Zero Sperm on Semen Analysis). You still stand a chance to have your own genetic child.



    What is IUI?

    Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a basic fertility technique in which processed (concentrated and washed) sperms are implanted into a woman’s uterus during ovulation to boost her chances of becoming pregnant.

    Is IUI different from IVF treatment?

    Fertilization (meeting of egg and sperm) occurs in the body during IUI (fallopian tubes). IVF, on the other hand, is carried out in a laboratory.

    What is the success rate of IUI?

    The success rate of IUI is approximately 20%.

    What is the difference between stimulated IVF and Natural IVF?

    Stimulated IVF- A woman takes medicines/injections for 9 to 12 days to stimulate both of her ovaries to generate and mature multiple egg follicles. During the stimulation phase, a physician will do ultrasounds to track the follicles growth until they reach a specified size (18-22mm). Natural IVF- In this cycle, instead of stimulating your ovaries to produce multiple eggs, the Natural Cycle IVF Process is meant to select that one egg that your body produces naturally.

    What is the advantage of natural IVF cycle?

    Multiple pregnancy risk is reduced. Reduces the high costs associated with stimulation medicines. Reduces the risk of drug-related adverse effects.

    What is Controlled ovarian hyper stimulation (COH)?

    Controlled ovarian hyper stimulation is a procedure in which the patient’s ovaries are stimulated for 10-12 days with hormone injections (gonadotrophins) in order to obtain the highest number of mature oocytes (eggs).The response to these injections is tracked by ultrasound, and after the cohort of follicles reaches 18-22mm (minimum 4-5), a trigger injection is administered, followed by ovum pickup (egg collection) 34-36 hours later.

    What are the risks associated with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation?

    Ovaries of some females might respond excessively to the fertility drugs. OHSS(Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) occurs in a minority of females who overrespond, symptoms of which include, vomiting, nausea, severe discomfort, abdominal distension and dehydration. Note: The patient should immediately notify the clinician in case of such symptoms

    When is a couple considered infertile?

    A couple is considered to be infertile when they fail to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

    Are IVF babies born with deformities?

    No, babies born out of IVF do not have any genetic abnormalities.

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