Egg Freezing gains popularity among career-oriented women- Dr. Jyoti Bali Article in TOI

  • By: Baby Soon Fertility and IVF Centre
  • June 6 2024
Egg Freezing gains popularity among career-oriented women- Dr. Jyoti Bali Article in TOI
Egg Freezing gains popularity among career-oriented women- Dr. Jyoti Bali Article in TOI

In recent years, more working women in India are turning to egg freezing, also known as oocyte preservation, to balance career goals and personal life plans. This trend reflects a shift where women are proactively planning their futures with the help of advanced reproductive technology. Egg freezing allows women to preserve their eggs at a younger age, maintaining higher quality for future pregnancies.

This option is particularly appealing to women who want to delay motherhood to focus on careers, further education, or finding the right partner. Reports show a 25% annual increase in women opting for egg freezing over the past five years," said Dr Jyoti Bali, medical director at Babysoon Fertility & IVF Centre, a unit of Bali nursing home.

The procedure involves hormone injections for 10-12 days to stimulate the ovaries, followed by egg retrieval through a minor surgical procedure. The eggs are then frozen using vitrification, which preserves their quality. These eggs can be stored for years and later used for in vitro fertilization (IVF)," Dr Jyoti Bali explained.

She added that advancements in technology have improved the success rates of egg freezing, with a 90-95% survival rate of eggs post-thawing and a 50-60% success rate per embryo transfer in achieving pregnancy.

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What is IUI?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a basic fertility technique in which processed (concentrated and washed) sperms are implanted into a woman’s uterus during ovulation to boost her chances of becoming pregnant.

Is IUI different from IVF treatment?

Fertilization (meeting of egg and sperm) occurs in the body during IUI (fallopian tubes). IVF, on the other hand, is carried out in a laboratory.

What is the success rate of IUI?

The success rate of IUI is approximately 20%.

What is the difference between stimulated IVF and Natural IVF?

Stimulated IVF- A woman takes medicines/injections for 9 to 12 days to stimulate both of her ovaries to generate and mature multiple egg follicles. During the stimulation phase, a physician will do ultrasounds to track the follicles growth until they reach a specified size (18-22mm). Natural IVF- In this cycle, instead of stimulating your ovaries to produce multiple eggs, the Natural Cycle IVF Process is meant to select that one egg that your body produces naturally.

What is the advantage of natural IVF cycle?

Multiple pregnancy risk is reduced. Reduces the high costs associated with stimulation medicines. Reduces the risk of drug-related adverse effects.

What is Controlled ovarian hyper stimulation (COH)?

Controlled ovarian hyper stimulation is a procedure in which the patient’s ovaries are stimulated for 10-12 days with hormone injections (gonadotrophins) in order to obtain the highest number of mature oocytes (eggs).The response to these injections is tracked by ultrasound, and after the cohort of follicles reaches 18-22mm (minimum 4-5), a trigger injection is administered, followed by ovum pickup (egg collection) 34-36 hours later.

What are the risks associated with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation?

Ovaries of some females might respond excessively to the fertility drugs. OHSS(Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) occurs in a minority of females who overrespond, symptoms of which include, vomiting, nausea, severe discomfort, abdominal distension and dehydration. Note: The patient should immediately notify the clinician in case of such symptoms

When is a couple considered infertile?

A couple is considered to be infertile when they fail to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Are IVF babies born with deformities?

No, babies born out of IVF do not have any genetic abnormalities.

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